Delphiran - Delphi Tips
Question :
How can I print header for a text file ?

Answer :
unit PrintStringsUnit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Memo1: TMemo;
    Button1: TButton;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    Procedure PrintHeader( aCanvas: TCanvas; aPageCount: Integer;
                aTextrect: TRect; Var continue: Boolean );
    Procedure PrintFooter( aCanvas: TCanvas; aPageCount: Integer;
                aTextrect: TRect; Var continue: Boolean );
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


uses Printers;
{$R *.DFM}

   THeaderFooterProc =
     Procedure( aCanvas: TCanvas; aPageCount: Integer;
                aTextrect: TRect; Var continue: Boolean ) of Object;
   { Prototype for a callback method that PrintString will cal
     when it is time to print a header or footer on a page. The
     parameters that will be passed to the callback are:
     aCanvas   : the canvas to output on
     aPageCount: page number of the current page, counting from 1
     aTextRect : output rectangle that should be used. This will be
                 the area available between non-printable margin and
                 top or bottom margin, in device units (dots). Output
                 is not restricted to this area, though.
     continue  : will be passed in as True. If the callback sets it
                 to false the print job will be aborted. }

 | Function PrintStrings
 | Parameters :
 |   lines:
 |     contains the text to print, already formatted into
 |     lines of suitable length. No additional wordwrapping
 |     will be done by this routine and also no text clipping
 |     on the right margin!
 |   leftmargin, topmargin, rightmargin, bottommargin:
 |     define the print area. Unit is inches, the margins are
 |     measured from the edge of the paper, not the printable
 |     area, and are positive values! The margin will be adjusted
 |     if it lies outside the printable area.
 |   linesPerInch:
 |     used to calculate the line spacing independent of font
 |     size.
 |   aFont:
 |     font to use for printout, must not be Nil.
 |   measureonly:
 |     If true the routine will only count pages and not produce any
 |     output on the printer. Set this parameter to false to actually
 |     print the text.
 |   OnPrintheader:
 |     can be Nil. Callback that will be called after a new page has
 |     been started but before any text has been output on that page.
 |     The callback should be used to print a header and/or a watermark
 |     on the page.
 |   OnPrintfooter:
 |     can be Nil. Callback that will be called after all text for one
 |     page has been printed, before a new page is started. The callback
 |     should be used to print a footer on the page.
 | Returns:
 |   number of pages printed. If the job has been aborted the return
 |   value will be 0.
 | Description:
 |   Uses the Canvas.TextOut function to perform text output in
 |   the rectangle defined by the margins. The text can span
 |   multiple pages.
 | Nomenclature:
 |   Paper coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the
 |   physical page, canvas coordinates (as used by Delphis Printer.Canvas)
 |   are relative to the upper left corner of the printable area. The
 |   printorigin variable below holds the origin of the canvas coordinate
 |   system in paper coordinates. Units for both systems are printer
 |   dots, the printers device unit, the unit for resolution is dots
 |   per inch (dpi).
 | Error Conditions:
 |   A valid font is required. Margins that are outside the printable
 |   area will be corrected, invalid margins will raise an EPrinter
 |   exception.
 | Created: 13.05.99 by P. Below

Function PrintStrings( lines: TStrings;
                        Const leftmargin, rightmargin,
                              topmargin, bottommargin: Single;
                        Const linesPerInch: single;
                        aFont: TFont;
                        measureonly: Boolean;
                        OnPrintfooter: THeaderFooterProc ): Integer;
    continuePrint: Boolean;     { continue/abort flag for callbacks }
    pagecount    : Integer;     { number of current page }
    textrect     : TRect;       { output area, in canvas coordinates }
    headerrect   : TRect;       { area for header, in canvas coordinates }
    footerrect   : TRect;       { area for footes, in canvas coordinates }
    lineheight   : Integer;     { line spacing in dots }
    charheight   : Integer;     { font height in dots }
    textstart    : Integer;     { index of first line to print o
                                  current page, 0-based. }

  { Calculate text output and header/footer rectangles. }
  Procedure CalcPrintRects;
      X_resolution: Integer;  { horizontal printer resolution, in dpi }
      Y_resolution: Integer;  { vertical printer resolution, in dpi }
      pagerect    : TRect;    { total page, in paper coordinates }
      printorigin : TPoint;   { origin of canvas coordinate system i
                                paper coordinates. }

    { Get resolution, paper size and non-printable margin fro
      printer driver. }

    Procedure GetPrinterParameters;
        With Printer.Canvas Do Begin
          X_resolution  := GetDeviceCaps( handle, LOGPIXELSX );
          Y_resolution  := GetDeviceCaps( handle, LOGPIXELSY );
          printorigin.X := GetDeviceCaps( handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX );
          printorigin.Y := GetDeviceCaps( handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY );
          pagerect.Left := 0;
          pagerect.Right:= GetDeviceCaps( handle, PHYSICALWIDTH );
          pagerect.Top  := 0;
          pagerect.Bottom := GetDeviceCaps( handle, PHYSICALHEIGHT );
        End; { With }
      End; { GetPrinterParameters }

    { Calculate area between the requested margins, paper-relative
      Adjust margins if they fall outside the printable area.
      Validate the margins, raise EPrinter exception if no text area
      is left. }

    Procedure CalcRects;
        max : Integer;
        With textrect Do Begin
          { Figure textrect in paper coordinates }
          left := Round( leftmargin * X_resolution ) ;
          If left printorigin.x Then
            left := printorigin.x;

          top := Round( topmargin * Y_resolution ) ;
          If top printorigin.y Then
            top := printorigin.y;

          { Printer.PageWidth and PageHeight return the size of th
            printable area, we need to add the printorigin to get the
            edge of the printable area in paper coordinates. }

          right := pagerect.right - Round( rightmargin * X_resolution );
          max   := Printer.PageWidth + printorigin.X;
          If right max Then
            right := max;

          bottom := pagerect.bottom - Round( bottommargin * Y_resolution );
          max    := Printer.PageHeight + printorigin.Y;
          If bottom max Then
            bottom := max;

          { Validate the margins. }
          If (left = right) or (top = bottom) Then
            raise EPrinter.Create(
              'PrintString: the supplied margins are too large, there '+
              'is no area to print left on the page.');
        End; { With }

        { Convert textrect to canvas coordinates. }
        OffsetRect( textrect, -printorigin.X, -printorigin.Y );

        { Build header and footer rects. }
        headerrect := Rect( textrect.left, 0,
                            textrect.right, );
        footerrect := Rect( textrect.left, textrect.bottom,
                            textrect.right, Printer.PageHeight );
      End; { CalcRects }

    Begin { CalcPrintRects }
      lineheight := round( Y_resolution / linesPerInch );
    End; { CalcPrintRects }

  { Print a page with headers and footers. }
  Procedure PrintPage;
    Procedure FireHeaderFooterEvent( event: THeaderFooterProc; r: TRect );
        If Assigned( event ) Then Begin
             ContinuePrint );
          { Revert to our font, in case event handler change
            it. }

          Printer.Canvas.Font := aFont;
        End; { If }
      End; { FireHeaderFooterEvent }

    Procedure DoHeader;
        FireHeaderFooterEvent( OnPrintHeader, headerrect );
      End; { DoHeader }

    Procedure DoFooter;
        FireHeaderFooterEvent( OnPrintFooter, footerrect );
      End; { DoFooter }

    Procedure DoPage;
        y: Integer;
        While (textStart lines.count) and
              (y = (textrect.bottom - charheight))
        Do Begin
          { Note: use TextRect instead of TextOut to effect clippin
            of the line on the right margin. It is a bit slower,
            though. The clipping rect would be
            Rect( textrect.left, y, textrect.right, y+charheight). }

          printer.canvas.TextOut( textrect.left, y, lines[textStart] );
          Inc( textStart );
          Inc( y, lineheight );
        End; { While }
      End; { DoPage }

    Begin { PrintPage }
      If ContinuePrint Then Begin
        If (textStart lines.count) and ContinuePrint Then Begin
          Inc( pagecount );
        End; { If }
    End; { PrintPage }

  Begin { PrintStrings }
    Assert( Assigned(afont),
            'PrintString: requires a valid aFont parameter!' );

    continuePrint := True;
    pagecount     := 1;
    textstart     := 0;
      {$IFNDEF WIN32}
        { Fix for Delphi 1 bug. }
        Printer.Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch := Y_resolution;
      {$ENDIF }
      Printer.Canvas.Font := aFont;
      charheight := printer.canvas.TextHeight( 'Ĺ' );
      While (textstart lines.count) and ContinuePrint Do
      If continuePrint and not measureonly Then
      Else begin

    If continuePrint Then
      Result := pagecount
      Result := 0;
  End; { PrintStrings }

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ShowMessage( Format( '%d pages printed',
               [ PrintStrings(
                   0.75, 0.5, 0.75, 1,
                   PrintHeader, PrintFooter )
                ] ));

procedure TForm1.PrintFooter(aCanvas: TCanvas; aPageCount: Integer;
  aTextrect: TRect; var continue: Boolean);
  S: String;
  res: Integer;
  with aCanvas do begin
    { Draw a gray line one point wide below the text }
    res := GetDeviceCaps( handle, LOGPIXELSY );
    pen.Style := psSolid;
    pen.Color := clGray;
    pen.Width := Round( res / 72 );
    MoveTo( aTextRect.Left, aTextRect.Top );
    LineTo( aTextRect.Right, aTextRect.Top );
    { Print the page number in Arial 8pt, gray, on right side o
      footer rect. }

    S:= Format('Page %d', [aPageCount] ); := 'Arial';
    font.Size := 8;
    font.Color := clGray;
    TextOut( aTextRect.Right - TextWidth(S), aTextRect.Top + res div 18,
             S );

procedure TForm1.PrintHeader(aCanvas: TCanvas; aPageCount: Integer;
  aTextrect: TRect; var continue: Boolean);
  res: Integer;
  with aCanvas do begin
    { Draw a gray line one point wide 4 points above the text }
    res := GetDeviceCaps( handle, LOGPIXELSY );
    pen.Style := psSolid;
    pen.Color := clGray;
    pen.Width := Round( res / 72 );
    MoveTo( aTextRect.Left, aTextRect.Bottom - res div 18);
    LineTo( aTextRect.Right, aTextRect.Bottom - res div 18 );
    { Print the company name in Arial 8pt, gray, on left side o
      footer rect. } := 'Arial';
    font.Size := 8;
    font.Color := clGray;
    TextOut( aTextRect.Left, aTextRect.Bottom - res div 10 - TextHeight('W'),
             'W. W. Shyster & Cie.' );



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