Delphiran - Delphi Tips
Question :
How can I launch an application and wait until it finishes ?

Answer :
procedure ExecAndWaitProcess(ExecPath, Parameters:String);
     Path1, Path2: String;


with SUI do begin

 Path2:=Path1+' '+Parameters;

 // Arrancar el EmbConfig
 if CreateProcess(
    PChar(Path1),  // pointer to name of executable module
    PChar(Path2),  // pointer to command line string
    Nil,           // pointer to process security attributes
    Nil,           // pointer to thread security attributes
    False,         // handle inheritance flag
    CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, // creation flags
    Nil,                       // pointer to new environment block
    PChar(ExtractFilePath(Path1)), // pointer to current directory name
    SUI,                           // pointer to STARTUPINFO
    PIN                            // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION
  )  then begin                    // Process is running
      Self.Enabled:=false;  // I Disable my own process, optional
      // Some people prefer to use INFINITE, I wait 3 seconds and process my messages
      // as you prefer
      While (WaitForSingleObjectEx(PIN.hProcess, 3, False) = WAIT_TIMEOUT) do
      Self.Enabled:=True; // Enabled my own process
      GetExitCodeProcess(PIN.hProcess, ExitCode);
      // ExitCode is the process exit code, obvious
      If ExitCode=0 then begin // 0 or any other value you want to check for
           // whatever
 else begin // CreateProcess has failed!
      // do as needed

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