Delphiran - Delphi Tips
Question :
How can I delete a directory and all his subdirectories ?

Answer :
DeleteAllFiles() will delete a set of files or a directory of your choice and place them in the Recycle Bin. It also displays the same animation of the operation as does Windows Explorer. You can pass wildcards to the function. In order to delete a directory, do not include the last backslash. For example:

uses ShellAPI;

function DeleteAllFiles(FilesOrDir: string): boolean;
{ Sends files or directory to the recycle bin. }
  F: TSHFileOpStruct;
  pFromc: array[0..255] of Char;
  Resultval: integer;
  Dir: string;
  { This, for some reason, fixes the AV that occurs when }
  { the directory doesn't exist. }
  Dir := ExtractFilePath(FilesOrDir);

  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
    FillChar(pFromc, SizeOf(pFromc), 0);
    StrPcopy(pFromc, ExpandFileName(FilesOrDir) + #0#0);
    F.wnd   := 0;
    F.wFunc := FO_DELETE;
    F.pFrom := pFromC;
    F.pTo   := nil;

    F.fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO or
                FOF_NOCONFIRMATION or
                FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS or

    F.fAnyOperationsAborted := False;
    F.hNameMappings := nil;
    Resultval := ShFileOperation(F);
    Result := (ResultVal = 0);
    Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

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