Delphiran - Delphi Tips
Question :
How can I create a transparent form ?

Answer :
You do this by defining a window region. Regions are a Windows concept, a type of GDI object that defines an area. A region can be build using a group of API function (see CreateRectRgn in win32.hlp and click on the Group link), form simple geometric shapes like rectangles, ellipses or polygons, or from other regions. A region can have "holes". Note that there is no easy way to build a region tracing the outlines of some graphics on a bitmap, it would boil down to defining a suitable polygon by hand or by examining the pixels on the bitmap one by one in code to find the boundaries of the graphics.

Once you have build a suitable region you hand it to SetWindowRgn and your form assumes the shape of the region. The following example builds a region from all controls on a form and the forms caption. This makes the best approximation to a transparent form Windows is capable of since mouse clicks on areas not included in the window region will be delivered to the windows beneath even if they are technically covered by the forms windowrect.

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
   frmRegion, tempRegion: HRGN;
   i: Integer;
   Arect: TRect;
   frmRegion := 0;
   For I:= 0 To ControlCount - 1 Do Begin
     // create a region for the control
     aRect := Controls[i].BoundsRect;
     // coordinates have to be window-relative, not client area relative
     OffsetRect( aRect, clientorigin.x - left, clientorigin.y - top );
     tempRegion := CreateRectRgnIndirect( aRect );
     // merge the region with the "summary" region we are building
     If frmRegion = 0 Then
       frmRegion := tempRegion
     Else Begin
       CombineRgn( frmRegion, frmRegion, tempRegion, RGN_OR );
       DeleteObject( tempRegion );
   // create a region for the caption and menu bar and add it to the
   // summary
   tempregion :=
     CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, Width,
                    GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION )+
                    GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSIZEFRAME )+
                    GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENU ) * Ord(Menu Nil));

   CombineRgn( frmRegion, frmRegion, tempRegion, RGN_OR );
   DeleteObject( tempRegion );
   SetWindowRgn( handle, frmRegion, true );

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